The top of Cross Table rests only on a thin structure, but it is the wooden base in the shape of a cross that gives the table its solidity and structural force. The design of the table offers a collective vision where the role of each element emerges in relation to the others in an appealing contrast between straight lines and soft curves, between masculinity and femininity. The three different and distinct elements that compose it offer the possibility of creating various combinations of finishes and colours, from the most original to the most understated ones, for a highly customisable complement. The top is available in wood, ceramic or marble. A wide range of variants also for the finishes of the base, including the elegant pearl gold and platinum shades. It is possible to choose among three different wood variants for the lower cross.In the Cross Table Glass version, the base is in transparent glass.
Please contact us to order the product
Ügyfeleink és családtagjaink védelmében felelős döntést hoztunk, így üzletünk az elkövetkező néhány hét folyamán zárva tart, csak előre egyeztetett időpontban van lehetőség személyes találkozóra, áru átvételére.
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Due to COVID-19, we would like to protect our clients and families' health, so we have made a responsible decision and will keep our showroom closed for the public. If you would like to get an appointment , please contact us via
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