1077 Budapest, Király utca 47. +36 1 781 7939

EUR HUF English Magyar

Paul Rogers

Mollis Grande Sofa


Inspired by how the ocean or river can shape rocks into a soft and pleasant shape over time. Cas Moor wanted the design to feel like soft pebbles that have been assembled into a seating configuration. The objective was to create a seating arrangement that evokes the tactile comfort of these soft pebbles, arranged harmoniously for relaxation.

It’s possible to configure the seating elements with different modules, which adds to an inviting appearance, created through the interaction of the elements.

This results in a modular sofa system featuring elegant and curved forms that transform any space into a warm and cozy setting. If you look closer, you’ll be amazed by the plenty of details in the design such as inverse cross stitching on the cushions.

Designed by Cas Moor

These products are available in several versions, please contact us for more information, offers or ordering:

Product Code:
Mollis Grande Sofa

Please contact us to order the product

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Dear Client,

Due to COVID-19, we would like to protect our clients and families' health, so we have made a responsible decision and will keep our showroom closed for the public. If you would like to get an appointment , please contact us via info@spirithome.hu.

Our webshop is working as WE LOVE DESIGN NON STOP. :)

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